Polivaka Beach House, North Shore, Oahu, HI
Image Credit: Redfin
Category: Single Family Residence
Site Area: 6,660 sq ft (0.152 Acre)
Square Footage: 2,775 sq ft
Number of Stories: 2
Services Provided: HVAC, Plumbing
Compleon Date: 2017
Architect: Dean Sakamoto
Project Description
Polivka Beach house is a single family two story residen,al house located along Oahu’s north shore coastline. This residence was intended to occupy the lot of an existing structure. Mechanical and plumbing systems were designed to serve bedrooms, the kitchen and dining area, and mul,ple restrooms. An energy-efficient multi-split system was designed with a room-byroom thermal zoning configuration. The condensing, or outdoor, unit was hidden behind architectural features and located to minimize the amount of refrigerant piping required for the system.