Ohana Montage, Monterey, CA
Category: Commercial
Square Footage: 51,900 sq ft
Services Provided: HVAC, Plumbing
Completion Date: 2022
Owner: Ohana Montage Health
Architect: NBBJ
Mechanical Contractor: ATS Conditioning, Inc.
Mechanical Contractor: Costal Plumbing
Project Description
Ohana Montage Behavioral Health Center is a three level curved wooden structure located in Monterey, California. The first level serves as a “residential” wing for patients, while the second level serves various activities, and the third level serves as an administrative office and pa%ent office areas. Pragmatic Professional Engineers provided mechanical and plumbing engineering and design for the project in 3-Dimensional (Revit) modeling. Clash detection and coordination with all the different trades were also performed on a weekly basis through a BIM Coordinator. As the building is mostly constructed by curved walls and opening ceilings, the placement of the equipment and rou%ng of ducts and piping were critically reviewed and coordinated. Providing in-house 3-dimensional modeling for both types of system helped reduce the conflicts due to ease of coordina%on prior to the BIM Coordination meetings.