Sidewalk Drain Line Restoration for Alsco, Honolulu, HI
Image Credit: Google Earth
Category: Industrial
Site Area: 90,000 sq ft
Square Footage: 4,500 sq ft
Services Provided: Plumbing, Civil
Completion Date: 2018
Owner: Weinberg, H&J FNDTN INC
Civil Engineer: Island Enginuity
Project Description
Alsco is a laundry facility located near Honolulu International Airport. Pragmatic Professional Engineers acted as the prime consultant, providing plumbing and civil engineering, as well as permit routing, bidding assistance, and construction administration services.
Work included repair to sidewalk drain piping connected to the building’s storm drain system. During construction, the civil engineer provided an erosion and sediment control plan to comply with the City and County of Honolulu’s regarding project’s that have the risk on impacting the stormwater system’s cleanliness.