Google Space Park Tool Shop, Mountain View, CA

Category: Industrial

Square Footage: 6,560 sq ft

Services Provided: Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing

CompletionDate: 2020

Owner: Google

Architect: API Design

Mechanical Contractor: Silicon Valley Mechanical

Project Description

This project involves multiple tool shops within one the Googleplex buildings on Space Park Way. Tool hook-ups were required in the Wood, Machine, Welding, and Electronics shops. Redesigning the existing automated dust collection system was required. Modifying the exis'ng dust collector system serving the wood working shop was the primary mechanical scope of this project. Each tool drop was served by an automated blast gate with hard ducted connections to all tools. Ductwork and plumbing was to be designed for the mechanical side of this project. Electrical project scope included providing power to tools in the existing wood working, electronics, machine, and welding shops.

The scope of services included but was not limited to creating permit drawings for existing equipment, generating mechanical, plumbing and electrical drawings, and providing a Sequence of Opera'on documents for the controls.


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