Honokowai East Condos, Lahaina, Maui, CA
Category: Multi-unit Residential
Square Footage: 63,560 sq ft
Number of Stories: 4
Services Provided: Schematic Plumbing
Completion Date: 2020
Plumbing Contractor: Maui Plumbing
Honokowai East Condominiums is a multi-unit residential four story building with 51 residenal units in Lahaina. The building was built in 1973 and offers 1 to 2-bed and bath units.
Pragmatic Professional Engineers generated the schematic plumbing drawings for the sanitary sewer piping in Bluebeam Revu. Isometrics were scaled and broken up into phases for coordination with the tenants.
Scaled drawings, developed in a PDF editing software, allowed the installation contractor to properly bid the job and saved the owner money as more time-intensive, and expensive, AutoCAD or 3-dimensional drawings were not required.