Proper Rx Collective, Oakland, CA

Proper RX Collective, Oakland, CA

Category: Agriculture

Square Footage: 1,200 sq ft

Services Provided: HVAC

Completion Date: 2020

Owner: Proper Rx Collective

General Contractor: SK Builders

Proper Rx hired Pragmatic PE to resolve issues that they were having with the City of Oakland and to engineer improvements to their existing systems. The existing systems implemented conventional package units used for standard offices that did not provide adequate environmental control within the Grow and Flower Rooms. Pragmatic PE engineered improvements to these existing systems and pointed out the issues that the conventional systems would have. In response to comments from the city that prevented the client from obtaining building permits and occupancy acceptance, Pragmatic PE authored letters and designed upgraded filtration systems to satisfy the building inspectors.


Canna Culture, San Jose, CA


iGrow, Oakland, CA